How Do I Decide What Kind of Driveway Gate is Best for My Application?

We hate to answer a question with a question, but your answer to the following question is essential to answering the question this article aims to answer. (Our apologies for the gratuitous use of the words “question” and “answer” in the preceding sentence.)

What am I trying to accomplish by having an electric gate installed?

Some common answers:

• security;
• convenience;
• aesthetics (curb appeal, property value);
• traffic control
• child safety;
• or animal control.
• We discuss the aforementioned in detail in our article on the benefits of an automatic gate.


If security is your main concern, you may want to read our article that discusses the gates that provide the highest level of security.

Generally, a slide gate with a magnetic lock is going to satisfy most people’s needs when security is their chief concern.

Read more: How Do I Decide What Kind of Driveway Gate is Best for My Application?

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